1Passwort für Windows herunterladen

Requires Windows 11 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
See what’s new in the latest version

Get to know 1Password for Windows ›
Learn how to use 1Password 8 for Windows to manage your passwords, credit cards, secure notes, and more.
Hol dir 1Password in deinen Browser
1Password steht dir immer und überall zur Seite. Melde dich ganz einfach bei Websites an und generiere starke Passwörter. Spare wertvolle Zeit, indem du alles automatisch ausfüllen lässt. Das Leben kann so einfach sein.
Feeling adventurous?
If you always want the newest, shiniest version, you can download the latest beta release of 1Password. Beta releases are still in development so you might experience a few bugs or crashes. Don’t worry though, your data is as safe as ever.

Using an older computer?
If you’re using an older version of Windows, you can use an older version of 1Password.
Please note these versions are no longer under active development and will only receive important security updates.