The best way to create, store, and fill your Google password

These days, you need a username and password for just about everything online. That includes your Google account, which is required to sign in to services like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Maps. Choosing a strong password will keep your account secure and ensure that only you and the people you trust can access your Google-related data.

Need a simple way to create and remember your Google account password? A password manager can help. With 1Password, you can create, store, and use strong passwords for Google and all your other online accounts.

How do I create a strong Google password?

It’s important to secure all your online accounts with strong and unique passwords. But it’s particularly important for your Google account, as you likely use it to access multiple websites, apps, and services offered by the company. That’s a lot of valuable data protected by a single login.

But what exactly is a strong password? And how do you create one?

A strong password isn’t predictable, like “12345”. And it should be long and complex enough that it can’t be easily cracked with a brute-force attack. Your Google account password should also be unique. That way, if any of your other passwords leak online, an attacker can’t use them to access your Google account.

But how do you create and remember such a password? That’s where a password manager comes in. 1Password will automatically suggest a strong and unique password anytime you create a new account. You can also use 1Password’s Strong Password Generator to create a new, secure password anytime.

Should you store your passwords in your browser?

Password managers offered by browsers are better than post-it notes and spreadsheets, but they’re often simplistic, and not nearly as secure or convenient as a dedicated password manager like 1Password.

Why? A built-in password manager is just one feature your browser offers, and one of many priorities for the company behind the browser. That’s why they usually only support a few kinds of information. Another downside is that you can only use browser-based password managers within a single browser.

A dedicated password manager like 1Password, meanwhile, works everywhere, and is built specifically to keep your secrets safe. Everything is designed to give you the best possible experience, and true peace of mind.

“Sign in with…” 1Password

Many websites give you the option to sign in using another account you already own. For example, a site may offer the choice to “sign in with Google” or “sign in with Facebook”. This allows you to reuse an account you already have, rather than creating a new one with a unique password for every site.

If you visit a site and choose to “sign in with Google”, 1Password will remember your choice and offer to save it for you. Then, when you return to the site, 1Password will automatically authenticate you using your Google account.

1Password works on all your devices and browsers

1Password works with all major devices, browsers, and operating systems. You can use 1Password on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, Windows PC, Android device, Linux computer, and Chromebook. 1Password also has browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Brave.

1Password makes it easy to access your password manager no matter what device you’re using. Want to use YouTube on a Mac via Safari? Or Gmail on a Linux computer via Firefox? 1Password has you covered. It automatically syncs your information across devices, so you always have your Google account password and other saved credentials when you need them.

1Password keeps your entire digital life secure

1Password doesn’t just protect your Google data and other online accounts. It can also store and autofill everything that’s important in your digital life, including:

All your items are securely stored in your encrypted vault and can only be accessed using your account password and Secret Key – which only you know.

Get the best user experience with 1Password

1Password makes security simple. In addition to protecting your Google account password and other sensitive information, 1Password can help you with:

  • Password sharing. You can securely share your passwords and other saved items with trusted family members and coworkers.
  • Protecting yourself against data breaches. 1Password’s Watchtower will alert you if your information has shown up in a known breach.
  • Two-factor authentication. 1Password can act as an authenticator for sites that support two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of protection to your online accounts.
  • Biometric authentication. You can unlock 1Password quickly and securely using your fingerprint, face, or eyes.

Ready to secure your Google account and everything else that’s important in your digital life? Get started with 1Password today.

Try 1Password for free and secure your Google account with a strong, unique password.